Special Elections, and why you need to care about this NOW. Social Justice & PolicyDesirae MixNovember 6, 2017vote, special election, america, democrat, obama, trump, 45, democratpartisan, republican, GOP, independent, midterm election, state rep, state representatives, voting, 2017, 2018, school house rocks, SNL, Saturday Night Live, house of reps, senate, house senate, massachusetts, vote411, boston, new york, politics, politicalComment
Net Neutrality Net Neutrality Read More Social Justice & PolicyDesirae MixMay 16, 2017net neutrality, civil rights, know your rights, internet, congress, FCC
Nerd Fashion Nerd Fashion Read More LifestyleDesirae MixDecember 2, 2016fashion, nerd fashion, science, math, steminist, steminista, jewelry, amason, etsy, code, dress, shoes, mary janes, science design, science fashion, women fastion, women fashion, woman fashion, stylist, shenova, modcloth, boston, teacher fashion, office fashionComment
Service Animal vs. Support Animal Service Animal versus Support Animal Read More Social Justice & Policy, EducationDesirae MixDecember 1, 2016Comment
Disability & Education: Policies You Should Know Social Justice & PolicyDesirae MixDecember 1, 2016ADA, disability, disabilities, ADAAA, FERPA, Higher ed, higher education, HIPAA, 504, Section 504, IDEA, high school, college, university, institution, mental health, service animal, support animal, emotional support animal, invisible disability, ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, bipolarComment